Verfasste Forenbeiträge

Ansicht von 25 Beiträgen – 1 bis 25 (von insgesamt 87)
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  • #87389

    Das Problem in der Klaustorvorstadt ist doch das steigende Grundwasser bei Hochwasser. Ab einen Pegel von ca. 6,20 m drückt es das Wasser in die Keller, erst bei knapp über 7 m kommt die Saale in die Franz Schubert Str. und die Brücke an der Mühlpforte läuft über.
    Ich wohne in der Klaustorvorstadt und habe die letzten beiden Hochwasser dort miterlebt


    entlang der A38 nähe Querfurter Platte sind Kartoffelfelder bzw. waren. Am Montag Erntemaschinen und „Stoppler“ gesehen…


    mich wundert es, dass das Loch nicht beim Hochwasser vollgelaufen ist…


    viele aus der Klaustorvorstadt, wo eigentlich nur der Keller abgesoffen war, haben sich das Geld auch schon geholt…





    I wish to request for an investment advice from you and also go into business partnership with you. I would like to invest huge amount of fund in real estates, property sales and in other profitable businesses in your country and this is the main reason why i contacted you. I do believe that you will not betray my trust which i am going to lay on you.

    I do apologize to have approached you in this way.I strongly believe that this investment project i wish to carry out in your country will be treated with urgency and favorable attention .

    My name is Ms. Valencia Delan , i am 20years of age. I am the only child and daughter of the Special adviser on financial matters to the former Minister of Mines and Energy under the former President of my country Cote d’Ivoire.

    My late father was also into Cocoa & Coffee exportation and also into Oil & Gas export. He was shot 11 times to death while he was asleep while my late mother was raped and shot at the back of the head on the night of 15th of January 2011 by some group of rebels during the war here in my country.They looted all the properties in our house and then set the house on fire.

    My late father had deposited in a Financial Institution here in Cote d’Ivoire in a dormant account a sum of $15.5m {Fifteen million five hundred thousand United States dollars} which was meant for the importation of mining equipments . I need your assistance for the transfer of this funds to a safe account in your country and you will act as the co-beneficiary because my life is in danger here.

    I will give you 10% of this fund for your cordial assistance .

    Tel:- 00 225609274 71






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    Wie sieht es den mit der Rückbaupflicht aus, wenn die Stadt den Vertrag kündigt / eine Anlage schliesst?





























Ansicht von 25 Beiträgen – 1 bis 25 (von insgesamt 87)